Kõne 01.10.2014 Strasbourgis Euroopa Nõukogu Parlamentaarsel Assambleel Gruusia olukorra raporti kohta. Kõne teenis saalist aplausi.
Dear Mrs President, dear collegues,
The starting point of any discussion on Georgia has to
be, that we have to continue and strengthen our efforts to
protect the territorial integrity of Georgian state. We should not forget, that
very recently Georgia was victim of similar aggression that Ukraine is today
and the government of Georgia does not actually control part of its territory
due to attacks by Putins regime.
This is not only foreign policy or security policy
question, this is also human rights question. It is truly regrettable that as a
result of this aggression more than 6 years ago, there are so-called grey
spots on the European continent, where no international organisation or
human rights expert can enter to observe, what is the actual human rights
situation on the ground. In this context recently presidential elections
in Abkhazia cannot be called more than a simple farce, that has to be condemned
by the international community, also clearly within this report.
Ladies and gentleman, the security situation in Europe
has changed. In this changed security situation in Europe we have to be very
careful while tackling the similar issues in democracy questions in Georgia,
which we have seen in Ukraine. Let me put it in a very simple way – we saw
Putins regimes attacks to the territorial integrity of Georgia in 2008 and now
we have an ongoing war in Ukraine due to same reasons.
We have seen president Janikovitsh’es oppressions
towards his political opposition, and we can see similar attacks in Georgia
It is utmost important, that we will without any
doubt give clear support of Georgia's
multiparty democracy. Of course, for any party in opposition the democracy
seems to be weaker during the time in opposition and to the party in coalition
the situation with democracy seems always better, but this is not the issue in
Georgia. We must be concerned by the continued investigations and criminal
charges against opposition figures and the risks that politicized prosecutions
would pose for Georgia’s democracy. Georgia’s democratic development must
include respect for political pluralism and open debate, and all kinds of the political prosecutions and
crackdown of the opposition should not be tolerated.
The report does not adequately describe what is going on
in Georgia, which – by any meaningful measure – includes a backsliding of
The way in
which events unfolded in Ukraine offers many lessons to Georgia. One lesson is
that democratic backsliding always benefits Russia. The road of cracking down
on opposition is the road to Putin.
There are two particular challenges I would
like to address - impartiality of justice and meedia freedom. First, the
proceedings in sensitive legal cases, including against former government
members, have revealed vulnerabilities and deficiencies in the justice
system and they need to addressed. Society based on democratic values
and rule of law cannot be built unless prosecution of former government
officials are conducted impartially, transparently and in full respect of the
principles of a fair trial, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human
Secondly, Georgia is a free country when it comes
to freedom of expression online and offline and online, considering the fact
that freedom of expression is an enabler of many other rights this is very
important. At the same time the reform on the media environment
has been at times unnecessarily politicised, especially with regard to the
reform of the public broadcaster. I have also taken a note on what the report
says about the issue of transparency of media ownership, which is key in
safeguarding free media.
But again - Georgia is a country in war, parts of its
territory is occupied by Putin’s regime. This document is not supposed to deal
with it so much and our Assembly has created a separate file on
"Consequences of War Between Georgia and Russia" and three
resolutions has been adopted, which cemented set of demands on Russia. In 2011
the file was closed, but the resolutions remained in force, although gradually
weakening. Our task here today is also to endorse of the adopted
Our plenary sitting should urge all of Georgia’s pro-democracy and pro-European forces to focus on
their common interests, build on recent achievements, and work together to move
the country forward and address the pressing economic and regional security
challenges of the day.
I would like call on to the EU and other
western partners to keep their doors open to a dynamic
country that is positively transforming. Free trade agreement with EU and
its fast implementation should just be seen as a first step in the integration
of Georgia in European and North-Atlantic structures.
Tähelepanu !!!
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