26.06.2014 peetud kõne Ukraina küsimuste arutelul ja presidendiga kohtumisel Euroopa Nõukogu Parlamentaarsel assambleel.
Presentation by Liisa Pakosta (Estonia, EPP/CD)
Thank you, Madam
Do we REALLY care
about Ukraine?
The answer is
certainly YES when it comes to being concerned about the potential influx of
Ukrainian refugees to our countries or the lack of Ukrainian and Russian
tourists in the “cash-short” Mediterranean resorts this year.
BUT – as a new member
of this Assembly – I’m stunned that we’re not even having an urgent debate with
a proper resolution today. Yes, one may argue that we’ve held three debates on
Ukraine already this year and we have imposed – what I find rather minimalist -
restrictions on our Russian colleagues’ rights in the Assembly, hoping to
maintain an open and constructive dialogue… But does this hall really want to admit
Russia’s true motivations and goals, and the consequences they lead to? Or to fully
comprehend the complications and repercussions of what we choose to call,
euphemistically, as “the Ukraine crisis” – rather than Russia’s aggression
against Ukraine?
Again, I’m perplexed…
We’re dealing with WAR in the heart of Europe, provoked and supported by our
own member state. The international community has reacted by the mildest
possible reactions, and yet ALL our political group leaders – I repeat ALL –
are co-signatories of Mr Pushkov’s motion questioning even those mild sanctions
limited to a few individuals directly involved in inciting the violation of a
neighbouring country’s sovereign territory!! Colleagues, where are we heading
commemoration of the First World War was a sinister reminder that we should
learn from our past mistakes…or be doomed to the fate of the League of Nations.
Military solutions DO NOT belong to the 21st century! I therefore
welcome President Poroshenko’s truce plan…, as I welcome the revoking by the
Russian Federation Council of the outrageous law which gave the Russian
military the right for military intervention on its neighbours’ territory. The
first step is now to help Ukraine restore control over its Eastern border and
to create a proper humanitarian corridor to enable civilians a safe passage
from the combat zones.
Yet we need to remain
vigilant and not be naïve to mistake the latter move for President Putin’s
regret of his recent wrongdoings. Rather, having achieved his primary
objectives of stopping the integration of Ukraine into Western structures,
annexing Crimea and provoking disorder and armed conflict in the rest of the
country, Mr Putin is now playing with the de-escalation card in order to
normalise the relations with other countries. As cynical as it may be, despite
all the breaches of international norms, I can already see Russia returning in
a few months’ time to the circle of elite states as a fully-fledged member.
If we allow that and
if Europe closes its eyes now on Ukraine as it closed them in Georgia in 2008,
it would mean recognising Russia’s right to forcefully make strategic decisions
for the countries in the region. This failure to stop aggression would however
bear the enormous consequence of putting an end to the whole system of
international security in Europe.
Finally, the
Ukrainian government also has a herculean task to undertake to reconciliate the
country. It should not shy from the difficult reforms – be they constitutional,
judicial or administrative -, which Ukraine has failed to undertake since it
became member of the Council of Europe. Most importantly, I appeal to President
Poroshenko: please do not repeat the mistakes made after the Orange revolution!
Those who have committed crimes since the outset of the political crisis last
year – no matter on which side – need to be brought to justice. It is the only
way forward to lead your country out of its internal political crisis and to
restore the trust of your people!
Thank you!
Tähelepanu !!!
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